I wanted to make one of my first posts on mental health because it has a huge significance on my life, and I want to normalize talking about it. I know I had trouble talking about it for a while because of the stigma that came along with it. It was not until recently where I brought it up with my parents which is crazy to me because I thought I could do it all by myself, but then I realized there are people that actually want to help.
When it came to depression for me, I did not start improving my mood until I wanted to get better. Which is weird to hear if you have never dealt with it because who enjoys being sad. Depression is so much more than just sadness, and I had a bad habit of romanticizing my sadness (I think that is the best way to put it). Even now that I am in a better place mentally, I still tend to try and “self-sabotage” by listening to sad music or purposefully put myself into that mindset just so I can enjoy being sad for a little while. Such a weird concept/ feeling really.
I will tell you a little more about my story with mental health in another post because it deserves its own post. It feels fitting that I am posting this in May because May is mental health awareness month! But like most things that get assigned a month to talk/ be aware about we should make a conscious effort to be aware at all times. Mental health is tricky because a lot of times people are not open to talk about their state (which is completely okay) but with that being said being kind to everyone can take off some added stress.
I am very passionate about this topic. I may not be the best at putting it into words, but my heart feels for people having to go through any type of mental health issues. I whole heartedly believe this is a subject that needs to be talked about and shared so people realize they are not alone. Because at the end of the day no one is alone.
If you feel alone and need someone to talk with, I am always available. I know it may seem weird because you do not know me, but that almost makes it better. Because you wont have to worry about pouring this information onto your friends (which I was afraid to do). My socials are always open to listen.
xx (i like the two kisses because it is like a spanish hello and goodbye)
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